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What is an Egress Window and Why Does Your Home Need One?

What is an Egress Window and Why Does Your Home Need One?

June 15, 2023

You might have heard about egress windows if you have a basement or lower level of your home. Elite Egress LLC, serving the Lincoln and the Northeast Nebraska area, is the leading provider of egress window installation services. Egress windows in below-grade living spaces, such as basements, provide a safe escape in an emergency. But why does your home need one? In this blog post, we’ll answer this question and explain what an egress window is.

What is an Egress Window?

An egress window is a type of window that is large enough to serve as an emergency exit. These windows are required by building codes in many states and designed to allow occupants to escape from a basement or lower-level living space in a fire or other emergency. Egress windows are typically larger than standard basement windows and designed to provide a clear opening for people to climb through.

Why Does Your Home Need an Egress Window?

There are several reasons why your home needs an egress window. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • Safety: Egress windows provide a safe escape in an emergency. If there is a fire or other emergency, occupants can use the egress window to exit the building quickly.
  • Legal Compliance: Many building codes require egress windows in below-grade living spaces. Installing an egress window ensures your home is up to code and can help you avoid fines or penalties.
  • Increased Natural Light: Egress windows are more extensive than standard basement windows, allowing more natural light. This can help make your basement feel brighter and more inviting.
  • Increased Home Value: Installing an egress window can increase the value of your home. If you plan to sell your home, having an egress window can be a selling point for potential buyers.

To summarize, an egress window provides a safe escape in an emergency. It is required by building codes in many states and offers several benefits, including safety, legal compliance, increased natural light, and increased home value. If you have a basement or lower-level living space, consider installing an egress window to ensure your home is safe and up to code. Elite Egress LLC is your trusted contractor for egress window installation. Contact Elite Egress LLC for more information on egress window installation.